Confirm Checkout Session from Client
Confirm a checkout session by client secret.
Orders and subscriptions will be processed.
You can generate an Organization Access Token from your organization's settings.
Path Parameters
The checkout session client secret.
Confirm a checkout session using a Stripe confirmation token.
Key-value object storing custom field values.
ID of the product to checkout. Must be present in the checkout's product list.
ID of the product price to checkout. Must correspond to a price present in the checkout's product list.
Amount in cents, before discounts and taxes. Only useful for custom prices, it'll be ignored for fixed and free prices.
50 <= x <= 99999999
Name of the customer.
Email address of the customer.
Billing address of the customer.
Discount code to apply to the checkout.
ID of the Stripe confirmation token. Required for fixed prices and custom prices.
Checkout session data retrieved using the client secret after confirmation.
It contains a customer session token to retrieve order information right after the checkout.
Creation timestamp of the object.
Last modification timestamp of the object.
The ID of the object.
Payment processor used.
Client secret used to update and complete the checkout session from the client.
URL where the customer can access the checkout session.
Expiration date and time of the checkout session.
URL where the customer will be redirected after a successful payment.
When checkout is embedded, represents the Origin of the page embedding the checkout. Used as a security measure to send messages only to the embedding page.
Amount in cents, before discounts and taxes. Only useful for custom prices, it'll be ignored for fixed and free prices.
50 <= x <= 99999999
Discount amount in cents.
Amount in cents, after discounts but before taxes.
Sales tax amount in cents.
Amount in cents, after discounts and taxes.
Currency code of the checkout session.
ID of the product to checkout.
ID of the product price to checkout.
ID of the discount applied to the checkout.
Whether to allow the customer to apply discount codes. If you apply a discount through discount_id
, it'll still be applied, but the customer won't be able to change it.
Whether the discount is applicable to the checkout. Typically, free and custom prices are not discountable.
Whether the product price is free, regardless of discounts.
Whether the checkout requires payment, e.g. in case of free products or discounts that cover the total amount.
Whether the checkout requires setting up a payment method, regardless of the amount, e.g. subscriptions that have first free cycles.
Whether the checkout requires a payment form, whether because of a payment or payment method setup.
Name of the customer.
Email address of the customer.
Billing address of the customer.
List of products available to select.
Product data for a checkout session.
Product selected to checkout.
Price of the selected product.
Schema for a fixed amount discount that is applied once or forever.
Schema of a custom field attached to a resource.
Key-value object storing custom field values.
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