Sent when a benefit is updated.
Discord & Slack support: Basic
A benefit of type ads.
Use it so your backers can display ads on your README, website, etc.
Show child attributes
Creation timestamp of the object.
Last modification timestamp of the object.
The ID of the benefit.
The description of the benefit.
Whether the benefit is selectable when creating a product.
Whether the benefit is deletable.
The ID of the organization owning the benefit.
Properties for a benefit of type ads.
The height of the displayed ad.
The width of the displayed ad.
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{ "type": "<string>", "data": { "created_at": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z", "modified_at": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z", "id": "<string>", "type": "<string>", "description": "<string>", "selectable": true, "deletable": true, "organization_id": "<string>", "properties": { "image_height": 400, "image_width": 400 } } }