Create Product

Learn how to create products & subscription tiers

Everything is a product

Subscriptions or pay once products are both technically a product in Polar (API & data model). Just with different pricing & billing logic. So both are shown & managed under Products with the ability to filter based on pricing model.

Name & DescriptionCopied!

Starting off with the basic.

  • Name. The title of your product.

  • Description. Markdown is supported here too.


How much you want to charge and with what frequency (once or recurring).

Pay Once Copied!

  • Price which will be charged upon checkout

  • Price is exclusive from tax


  • You can Add yearly pricing (Annual billing upfront)

  • You can remove monthly pricing too if you only want annual billing

Pay what you wantCopied!

  • You can set a minimum amount

  • Set a default amount which will be preselected on checkout

Product MediaCopied!

  • You can upload public product images to be displayed on product pages

  • They can be up to 10MB each

  • You can remove and re-arrange images

Automated EntitlementsCopied!

Finally, we can enable or create new entitlements (what we call Benefits) that we tie to the product.

Read more in our product benefits guide on how they work and how to customize the built-in ones we offer:

  • License Keys

  • Discord Server Role

  • GitHub Repository Access

  • File Downloads

  • Custom Benefit