As your Merchant of Record (MoR), we are the reseller of all digital goods and services and focus exclusively on digital products. Therefore we cannot support physical goods or entirely human services, e.g consultation or support. In addition to not accepting the sale of anything illegal, harmful, abusive, deceptive or sketchy.

Acceptable Products & Businesses

  • Software & SaaS
  • Digital products: Templates, eBooks, PDFs, code, icons, fonts, design assets, photos, videos, audio etc
  • Premium content & access: Discord server, GitHub repositories, courses and content requiring a subscription.

General rule of acceptable services

Digital goods, software or services that can be fulfilled by…

  1. Polar on your behalf (License Keys, File Downloads, GitHub- or Discord invites or private links, e.g premium YouTube videos etc)
  2. Your site/service using our APIs to grant immediate access to digital assets or services for customers with a one-time purchase or subscriptions

Combined with being something you’d proudly boast about in public, i.e nothing illegal, unfair, deceptive, abusive, harmful or shady.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us in advance in case you’re unsure if your use case would be approved.

Prohibited Businesses

Not an exhaustive list

We reserve the right to add to it at any time. Combined with placing your account under further review or suspend it in case we consider the usage deceptive, fraudulent, high-risk or of low quality for consumers with high refund/chargeback risks.

  • Illegal or age restricted, e.g drugs, alcohol, tobacco or vaping products
  • Violates laws in the jurisdictions where your business is located or to which your business is targeted
  • Violates any rules or regulations from payment processors & credit card networks, e.g Stripe
  • Threatens reputation of Polar or any of our partners and payment providers
  • Causes or has a significant risk of chargebacks, fines, damages, or harm and liability
  • Physical goods of any kind. Including SaaS services offering physical or human services.
  • Adult services or content. Including by AI or proxy, e.g
    • AI Girlfriend/Boyfriend services.
    • OnlyFans related services.
  • Low-quality products, services or sites, e.g
    • E-books generated with AI or 4 pages sold for $50
    • Quickly & poorly executed websites, products or services
    • Products, services or websites we determine to have a low trust score
  • “Get rich” schemes or content
  • Gambling & betting services
  • Regulated services or products
  • Counterfeit goods
  • NFT & Crypto products.
  • IPTV services
  • Virus & Spyware
  • Products you don’t own the IP of or have the required licenses to resell
  • Advertising & unsolicited marketing services. Including services to:
    • Generate, scrape or sell leads
    • Automate outreach (spam risks)
  • API & IP cloaking services, e.g services to circumvent IP bans, API rate limits etc.
  • Trademark violations
  • Human services, e.g marketing, design, web development and consulting in general.
  • Marketplaces. Selling others’ products or services using Polar against an upfront payment or with an agreed upon revenue share.

Restricted Businesses

Requires closer review and a higher bar of quality, execution, trust and compliance standards to be accepted.

  • Directories & boards
  • Marketing services
  • Pre-orders & Paid waitlist


Why do directories & boards require closer review?

They often sell premium placement, i.e ads, without meeting compliance requirements for advertising. Or even where it’s their sole purpose to sell placement.

Why do marketing services require closer review?

Too many services offer sketchy marketing tactics and mass outreach (unsolicited) features. There is no short-cut to sales beyond offering a great product & service. We love marketing services that reflect that and focus on the long game vs. shortcuts and hacks.

Can I sell pre-orders or use paid waitlists for my service to validate demand before build?

Generally, no. It’s a high risk category for us as the Merchant of Record. Sellers could withdraw funds and never deliver the service or not as promised. Causing consumers to demand refunds or dispute the sale against us at a later date.

For high-trust cases from developers with a track record, we’re able to make exceptions, but simultaneously need to adapt our payout process to withhold all funds until verified fulfilment.

Why are marketplaces or human services (consultancy) not allowed?

We hope to change this status quo amongst Merchant of Records long-term, but both come with additional compliance and risk challenges. Since fulfilment is not digital, immediate or between known parties to us, we cannot fulfil our compliance & risk requirements or effectively mitigate potential disputes.

Why are Only Fans services not allowed?

Close & blurred lines between the service and the content & service provided on OnlyFans, i.e often adult content. In addition to us having seen fraudulent & deceptive behavior in the category. We’re simply not comfortable acting as the Merchant of Record here.

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