Customer State is a concept allowing you to query for the current state of a customer, including their active subscriptions and granted benefits, in a single API call or single webhook event.

Combined with the External ID feature, you can get up-and-running in minutes.

The customer state object

The customer state object contains:

  • All the data about the customer.
  • The list of their active subscriptions.
  • The list of their granted benefits.

Thus, with that single object, you have all the required information to check if you should provision access to your service or not.

Get Customer State by External ID

One endpoint to rule them all, using your own customer ID.

Get Customer State

The same one, but with internal Polar customer ID.

The customer.state_changed webhook

To be notified of the customer state changes, you can listen to the customer.state_changed webhook event. It’s triggered when:

  • Customer is created, updated or deleted.
  • A subscription is created or updated.
  • A benefit is granted or revoked.

By subscribing to this webhook event, you keep your system up-to-date and update your customer’s access accordingly.


One webhook to rule them all.