Customer Portal
Where your customers can view & manage orders and subscriptions
The Customer Portal is a destination where your customers can see their orders and ongoing subscriptions. It’s also where they’re able to get hands on receipts, benefits, and more.
Creating a Customer Portal LinkCopied!
You can programmatically create the Customer Portal link for a given customer ID. Using the Polar API, all you need is to call the customerPortal endpoint. Here’s an example using our TypeScript SDK.
import { Polar } from "@polar-sh/sdk";
const polar = new Polar({
accessToken: process.env["POLAR_ACCESS_TOKEN"] ?? "",
async function run() {
const result = await polar.customerSessions.create({
customerId: "<value>",
Or, if you use NextJS as your framework, we have a handy utility which shortens down your code significantly.
// app/portal/route.ts
import { CustomerPortal } from "@polar-sh/nextjs";
export const GET = CustomerPortal({
accessToken: process.env.POLAR_ACCESS_TOKEN,
getCustomerId: async (req) => '<value>'