You can easily refund orders on Polar - both in full or in parts.
No matter what refund policy you offer to customers, Polar makes it easy to offer both full and partial refunds to easily deliver the customer experience and refund policy you want.
However, even in case you have a “no refund” policy, Polar reserves the right to issue refunds within 60 days of purchase - at our own discretion. We reserve this right in an effort to automatically and proactively reduce costly chargebacks.

Issuing a refundCopied!
Go to the order details page for the specific order you want to refund
Scroll down to the “Refund” section
Click “Refund”

Specify the amount to refund. By default it’s the full order amount, but you can reduce this to issue a partial refund instead.
Payment fees are not refunded
Unfortunately, credit card networks and PSPs charge us for the underlying transactions regardless of whether it’s later refunded (industry standard). Therefore, we cannot offer a refund on our fees since the costs remain constant.
Example: An order of $30 costs ~$1.6 in fees to Polar. You can still refund the customer $30, but the ~$1.6 fee remains and is deducted on your balance from other purchases.
Select the reason for the refund - helpful for future reference.
Revoke Benefits (One-time purchases)
For one-time purchases, you can revoke the customers access to product benefits, e.g file downloads, license keys or Discord/GitHub invites. By default this is selected since we default to a full refund, but can be disabled.
Revoke Benefits (Subscriptions)
You cannot revoke access by refunding an order associated with a subscription. Instead the subscription is required to be canceled and Polar will then automatically revoke access once the subscription itself is revoked.
Polar can issue refundsCopied!
Polar reserves the right to issue refunds within 60 days of purchase, at its own discretion, in order to prevent chargebacks. So if you choose to have a “no refunds” policy, be aware that Polar could still issue refunds in an effort to proactively prevent chargebacks.
customers can issue chargebacks at any time against their purchases.