Checkout Sessions
Create checkouts programmatically
If you want to integrate more deeply the checkout process with your website or application, you can use our dedicated API.
The first step is to create a Checkout session. For this you'll need at least your Product ID.
You can retrieve your Product ID from Products in your dashboard, click on "context-menu" button in front of your product and click on Copy Product ID.
The API will return you an object containing all the information about the session, including an URL where you should redirect your customer so they can complete their order.
TypeScript ExampleCopied!
Using our TypeScript SDK, creating a checkout session is quite straight forward.
import { Polar } from "@polar-sh/sdk";
const polar = new Polar({
accessToken: process.env["POLAR_ACCESS_TOKEN"] ?? "",
async function run() {
const checkout = await polar.checkouts.custom.create({
productId: "<value>",