Before being able to make authentication requests, you’ll need an OAuth2 Client. It’s the entity that’ll identify you, as a third-party developer, between Polar and the final user.

You can manage them from your User Settings

Here are the required fields:

  • Application Name: the name of the application that’ll be shown to the final users.
  • Client Type: the type of client you are creating. Read more
  • Redirect URIs: for security reasons, you need to declare your application URL where the users will be redirected after granting access to their data. HTTPS URL are required unless the hostname is localhost.
  • Scopes: the list of scopes your app will be able to ask for. To improve privacy and security, select only the scopes you really need for your application.
  • Homepage URL: the URL of your application. It’ll be shown to the final users on the authorization page.

Optionally, you can also add a logo, terms of service and privacy policy URL. They’ll all be shown to the final users on the authorization page.

Once your client is created, you’ll get a Client ID and a Client Secret. You’ll need those values to make authentication requests.

Those values are super sensitive and should be kept secret. They allow making authentication requests on Polar!