Sell Digital Products

You can easily offer customers and subscribers access to downloadable files with Polar.

  • Up to 10GB per file
  • Upload any type of file - from ebooks to full-fledged applications
  • SHA-256 checksum validation throughout for you and your customers (if desired)
  • Customers get a signed & personal downloadable URL

Create Downloadable Benefit

  1. Go to Benefits in the Dashboard sidebar
  2. Click + Add Benefit to create a new benefit
  3. Choose File Downloads as the Type

You can now upload the files you want to offer as downloadables for customers.

  1. Drag & drop files to the dropzone (Feed me some bytes)
  2. Or click on that area to open a file browser

Change filename

Click on the filename to change it inline.

Change order of files

You can drag and drop the files in the order you want.

Review SHA-256 checksum

Click on the contextual menu dots and then Copy SHA-256 Checksum

Delete a file

Click on the contextual menu dots and then Delete in the menu.

Active subscribers & customers will lose access too!

Deleting a file permanently deletes it from Polar and our S3 buckets except for the metadata. Disable the file instead if you don’t want it permanently deleted.

Disable & Enable Files

You can disable files at any point to prevent new customers getting access to it.

Existing customers retain their access

Customers who purchased before the file was disabled will still have access to legacy files. Only new customers will be impacted.

Enabling or adding files grants access retroactively

In case you add more files or re-enable existing ones, all current customers and subscribers with the benefit will be granted access.