This guide explains how to integrate Affonso’s affiliate marketing software with your Polar account to track and manage affiliate-driven sales for your SaaS business.

What is Affonso?

Affonso is an affiliate marketing software that enables SaaS businesses to launch, manage, and scale their own affiliate programs. With Affonso, you can:

  • Set up flexible commission structures
  • Manage multiple affiliate programs from one dashboard
  • Provide your affiliates with real-time tracking and marketing resources
  • Automate affiliate payments and commission calculations

Integration Steps

1. Create a Polar Access Token for Affonso

First, you’ll need to create an API token in Polar that Affonso can use to communicate with your account:

  1. Login to your Polar Dashboard
  2. Navigate to Settings in the main menu
  3. Scroll down to the Developers section on the Settings page
  4. Click the New token button
  5. Give your token a name (e.g., “Affonso Integration”)
  6. Set token expiration to No expiration Important: If you set an expiration date, you’ll need to manually update the token in Affonso when it expires. Tracking will stop working if the token expires.
  7. Enable all the following scopes:
    • discounts:read
    • discounts:write
    • events:read
    • subscriptions:read
    • customers:read
    • customers:write
    • orders:read
    • refunds:read
    • webhooks:read
    • webhooks:write
  8. Click Create token and copy the generated token
  9. Provide this token to Affonso by entering it in their integration settings

2. Set Up Webhooks in Polar

After connecting your Polar account with Affonso, you’ll receive a webhook URL and secret from Affonso. Add these to your Polar account:

  1. Go to SettingsDevelopersWebhooks in your Polar Dashboard
  2. Click the “Add Endpoint” button
  3. In the URL field, paste the webhook URL provided by Affonso
  4. For Format, select RAW from the dropdown
  5. In the Secret field, paste the webhook secret provided by Affonso
  6. Under Events, enable all of the following:
    • order.created
    • order.refunded
    • subscription.canceled
  7. Click Save to complete the webhook setup

3. Add the Affonso Tracking Script to Your Website

Add Affonso’s tracking script to the <head> tag of your website:

<!-- Place in <head> tag -->

Replace YOUR_AFFONSO_PROGRAM_ID with the unique program ID provided by Affonso.

This script should be placed on all pages of your website, including:

  • Your main marketing website
  • Your application domain
  • Any subdomains where users might land or make purchases

4. Track User Signups (Optional)

For better conversion insights, you can track when users sign up through an affiliate link:

// After successful registration

5. Pass Referral Data to Polar Checkout

To ensure proper commission attribution, pass the referral data when creating checkout sessions:

// Get the referral ID from the Affonso global variable
const referralId = window.affonso_referral;

// Create checkout session with Polar
const checkout = await polar.checkouts.create({
  products: ["your_product_id"],
  success_url: "",
  metadata: {
    affonso_referral: referralId, // Include referral ID from Affonso

// Redirect to checkout
window.location.href = checkout.url;

How It Works

  1. When a user visits your site through an affiliate link, Affonso’s script stores a unique identifier in a cookie
  2. If you’ve implemented signup tracking, Affonso records when the user creates an account
  3. When the user makes a purchase, the referral ID is passed to Polar as metadata
  4. Polar’s webhook notifies Affonso about the purchase
  5. Affonso attributes the sale to the correct affiliate and calculates the commission

Benefits of the Integration

  • Automated Tracking: No manual work required to track affiliate-driven sales
  • Real-Time Analytics: Both you and your affiliates get immediate insights into performance
  • Seamless User Experience: The integration works behind the scenes without affecting your checkout flow
  • Flexible Commission Structures: Set up complex commission rules based on product, subscription duration, etc.

Getting Help

More details about the integration: Polar Affiliate Program

If you need assistance with your Affonso integration, contact Affonso’s support team:

  • Email:
  • Live chat: Available directly in the Affonso dashboard