A Better Auth plugin for integrating Polar payments and subscriptions into your authentication flow.


  • Checkout Integration
  • Customer Portal
  • Webhook handling
  • Automatic Customer creation on signup


pnpm add better-auth @polar-sh/better-auth


Go to your Polar Organization Settings, and create an Organization Access Token. Add it to your environment.

# .env
import { betterAuth } from "better-auth";
import { polar } from "@polar-sh/better-auth";
import { Polar } from "@polar-sh/sdk";

const client = new Polar({
    accessToken: process.env.POLAR_ACCESS_TOKEN,
    // Use 'sandbox' if you're using the Polar Sandbox environment
    // Remember that access tokens, products, etc. are completely separated between environments.
    // Access tokens obtained in Production are for instance not usable in the Sandbox environment.
    server: 'production'

const auth = betterAuth({
    // ... Better Auth config
    plugins: [
            // Enable automatic Polar Customer creation on signup
            createCustomerOnSignUp: true,
            // Enable customer portal
            enableCustomerPortal: true, // Deployed under /portal for authenticated users
            // Configure checkout
            checkout: {
                enabled: true,
                products: [
                        productId: "123-456-789", // ID of Product from Polar Dashboard
                        slug: "pro" // Custom slug for easy reference in Checkout URL, e.g. /checkout/pro
                successUrl: "/success?checkout_id={CHECKOUT_ID}"
            // Incoming Webhooks handler will be installed at /polar/webhooks
            webhooks: {
                secret: process.env.POLAR_WEBHOOK_SECRET,
                onPayload: ...,

Configuration Options

Required Options

  • client: Polar SDK client instance

Optional Options

  • createCustomerOnSignUp: Automatically create a Polar customer when a user signs up
  • getCustomerCreateParams: Custom function to provide additional customer creation parameters
  • enableCustomerPortal: Enable the customer portal functionality. Deployed as GET endpoint at /portal
  • checkout.enabled: Enable checkout functionality. Deployed as GET endpoint at /checkout
  • checkout.products: Array of products or function returning products. Slug passed will then be passable as route param.
  • checkout.successUrl: URL to redirect to after successful checkout

Webhook Handlers

Configure a Webhook endpoint in your Polar Organization Settings page. Webhook endpoint is configured at /polar/webhooks.

Add the secret to your environment.

# .env

The plugin supports handlers for all Polar webhook events:

  • onPayload - Catch-all handler for any incoming Webhook event
  • onCheckoutCreated - Triggered when a checkout is created
  • onCheckoutUpdated - Triggered when a checkout is updated
  • onOrderCreated - Triggered when an order is created
  • onOrderRefunded - Triggered when an order is refunded
  • onRefundCreated - Triggered when a refund is created
  • onRefundUpdated - Triggered when a refund is updated
  • onSubscriptionCreated - Triggered when a subscription is created
  • onSubscriptionUpdated - Triggered when a subscription is updated
  • onSubscriptionActive - Triggered when a subscription becomes active
  • onSubscriptionCanceled - Triggered when a subscription is canceled
  • onSubscriptionRevoked - Triggered when a subscription is revoked
  • onSubscriptionUncanceled - Triggered when a subscription cancellation is reversed
  • onProductCreated - Triggered when a product is created
  • onProductUpdated - Triggered when a product is updated
  • onOrganizationUpdated - Triggered when an organization is updated
  • onBenefitCreated - Triggered when a benefit is created
  • onBenefitUpdated - Triggered when a benefit is updated
  • onBenefitGrantCreated - Triggered when a benefit grant is created
  • onBenefitGrantUpdated - Triggered when a benefit grant is updated
  • onBenefitGrantRevoked - Triggered when a benefit grant is revoked
  • onCustomerCreated - Triggered when a customer is created
  • onCustomerUpdated - Triggered when a customer is updated
  • onCustomerDeleted - Triggered when a customer is deleted
  • onCustomerStateChanged - Triggered when a customer is created

API Routes

The plugin adds the following API routes:

  • GET /checkout/:slug - Redirect to Polar checkout
  • GET /state - Customer state (Customer Data, Active Subscriptions, Entitlements, etc.) for the authenticated user
  • GET /customer-portal - Redirects to Polar Customer Portal for authenticated user
  • POST /polar/webhooks - Incoming webhooks are automatically parsed & validated


When createCustomerOnSignUp is enabled, a new Polar Customer is automatically created when a new User is added in the Better-Auth Database.

All new customers are created with an associated externalId, which is the ID of your User in the Database. This allows us to skip any Polar Customer to User mapping in your Database.


When checkouts are enabled, you’re able to initialize Checkout Sessions on the /checkout/:slug route.

Checkouts with slug

If you pass an array of products to the configuration, you’re able to use the slug as a reference instead of using the product id.

Checkouts with product id

All your organization products are eligible for checkouts, even if they’re not passed to the products-configuration.

You can initialize a checkout session like following - /checkout?productId=123-456-789

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