
Choose your preferred package manager to install the module:

pnpm add @polar-sh/nuxt

Register the module

Add the module to your nuxt.config.ts:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ["@polar-sh/nuxt"],


Create a Checkout handler which takes care of redirections.

// server/routes/api/
export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
  const {
    private: { polarAccessToken, polarCheckoutSuccessUrl, polarServer },
  } = useRuntimeConfig();

  const checkoutHandler = Checkout({
    accessToken: polarAccessToken,
    successUrl: polarCheckoutSuccessUrl,
    server: polarServer as "sandbox" | "production",

  return checkoutHandler(event);

Query Params

Pass query params to this route.

  • productId (or productPriceId) ?productId=xxx
  • productPriceId (or productId) ?productPriceId=xxx
  • customerId (optional) ?productId=xxx&customerId=xxx
  • customerEmail (optional) ?productId=xxx&
  • customerName (optional) ?productId=xxx&customerName=Jane
  • metadata (optional) URL-Encoded JSON string

Customer Portal

Create a customer portal where your customer can view orders and subscriptions.

// server/routes/api/portal.get.ts
export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
  const {
    private: { polarAccessToken, polarCheckoutSuccessUrl, polarServer },
  } = useRuntimeConfig();

  const customerPortalHandler = CustomerPortal({
    accessToken: polarAccessToken,
    server: polarServer as "sandbox" | "production",
    getCustomerId: (event) => {
      // Use your own logic to get the customer ID - from a database, session, etc.
      return Promise.resolve("9d89909b-216d-475e-8005-053dba7cff07");

  return customerPortalHandler(event);


A simple utility which resolves incoming webhook payloads by signing the webhook secret properly.

// server/routes/webhook/
export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
  const {
    private: { polarWebhookSecret },
  } = useRuntimeConfig();

  const webhooksHandler = Webhooks({
    webhookSecret: polarWebhookSecret,
    onPayload: async (payload) => {
      // Handle the payload
      // No need to return an acknowledge response

  return webhooksHandler(event);

Payload Handlers

The Webhook handler also supports granular handlers for easy integration.

  • onCheckoutCreated: (payload) =>
  • onCheckoutUpdated: (payload) =>
  • onOrderCreated: (payload) =>
  • onSubscriptionCreated: (payload) =>
  • onSubscriptionUpdated: (payload) =>
  • onSubscriptionActive: (payload) =>
  • onSubscriptionCanceled: (payload) =>
  • onSubscriptionRevoked: (payload) =>
  • onProductCreated: (payload) =>
  • onProductUpdated: (payload) =>
  • onOrganizationUpdated: (payload) =>
  • onBenefitCreated: (payload) =>
  • onBenefitUpdated: (payload) =>
  • onBenefitGrantCreated: (payload) =>
  • onBenefitGrantUpdated: (payload) =>
  • onBenefitGrantRevoked: (payload) =>

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