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Issue Funding & Rewards

For Customers

Buying via Polar

Issue Funding

Polar offers a seamless service to enable your community to pool funding towards issues - helping support, upvote and fund the most impactful efforts. You can also easily reward contributors a share of the funding once the issue is completed.

GitHub Issue with Polar Badge

Checkout an example on a GitHub issue: SerenityOS/serenity#22179

Funded Backlog

Get a stack ranked & funded backlog based on what drives the most impact across your community.

  • Enable users to easily fund any issues (feature requests, roadmap items, bugs etc)
  • Seamless embedding of the Polar badge on GitHub issues to promote funding for select issues
  • Set individual funding goals per issue (or leave it open)
  • Funding is pooled from community members & users
  • Better backlog of issues stack ranked based on reactions & funding
  • Reward contributors once issues are completed a percentage of received funding (more below)

Polar by example: tRPC, SerenityOS, Sindre Sorhus, Encode and hundreds more.

Reward Contributors

Issue funding can seamlessly be shared with your contributors. You can think of rewards as open source bounties, but don't worry - it's designed for maintainers and your communities for a change.

  • You are in full control
  • Your community pools funding towards an issue
  • You can promote funding towards specific issues
  • You can split the funding with contributor(s), i.e reward them
  • You can promote rewards publicly (Optional - more details below)
  • You can adjust rewards & add custom recipients when marking an issue as completed
  • Your GitHub issue thread stays focused on making progress vs. funding chatter

You can read more about our philosophy of empowering maintainers & their communities with Polar Rewards in our original blog post from the Rewards launch.

Get started in minutes

Let's setup issue funding for your desired GitHub repositories.